How to Have the Perfect Family Picnic in Southern France

Jul 17, 2024

What Should Be on Your Family Picnic Checklist?

 (9-minute read)

A family picnic is a traditional way of eating and enjoying life in Southern France. Sure, while on holiday here you’ll want to experience typical regional foods. You’ll want to treat yourself to culinary delights offered in family-owned village cafes and Michelin-starred restaurants.

But there’s something incredibly special about the family picnic experience in France. Whether enjoying a roadside stop on your travels, relaxing on a blanket in a park, or sitting on the steps in a churchyard, you’ll be having an authentic cultural experience.

Ask any French family about this tradition, and you’ll soon learn that it’s not a spur-of-the-moment decision. There’s a lot to consider, and considerable planning to be done to have the perfect family picnic in Southern France. Fortunately, the climate takes care of the good weather, but you’ll need to tick every box on this family picnic checklist to enjoy a truly unforgettable ‘déjeuner sur l’herbe’.

How Do You Choose the Ideal Picnic Spot?

There are an untold number of beautiful locations for a family picnic in Southern France. Do you want unique charm? It’s around every corner, but you can’t just roll up somewhere and expect the carefree alfresco experience you’re hoping for. You’ll need to be clear on what type of picnic you want.

If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-track location, then you’ll need to find the hidden gems – like the hills surrounding Mas Pandit. These offer the most picturesque setting for a family picnic, away from the maddening crowds, and provide the opportunity to enjoy quality family time as well as nature-oriented family activities.

If you prefer somewhere with more of a buzz for your family picnic, then you’ll want to dine in a park or popular area of natural beauty. Here, you’ll find plenty of amenities such as picnic tables, public toilets, and playgrounds for the kids.

On the other hand, there’s something incredibly soothing about a relaxing picnic by the water. You might lay your blanket on the banks of a river, or on the shore of a lake – like Lac du Salagou. The sound of gently lapping water, the cooling breeze off the water, the chirruping birds in the woods… isn’t this what life is about?

What Should You Pack for a Family Picnic?

Okay, you’ve selected your picnic destination – next up is a packing list:

·      Essentials: Blankets, Utensils, and More

Even if you’re planning a family picnic in a park with tables and seating provided, you’ll want to take a comfortable blanket (maybe two, depending on the size of your group). Don’t forget essentials like utensils, plates, cups, and napkins. A picnic basket and/or cool box will keep everything tidy, readily accessible, and cool – crucial to keep food fresh and drinks refreshing.

·      Refreshing Beverages: From Lemonade to Wine

For a family picnic, make sure you pack a good selection of cold beverages suitable for all ages (and the designated driver). A good mix of non-alcoholic drinks (lemonade, iced tea, and cordials) as well as a chilled bottle of French wine and regional spirits will help have a genuine cultural experience.

(Remember to take plenty of water to stay hydrated.)

·      Bring the Fun and Games

No family picnic is complete without a few games and activities. A frisbee, deck of cards, football, or bat and ball can provide hours of fun. If you don’t feel quite so energetic, take a good book with you – or encourage the kids to write about their adventures in a holiday journal. Leave the mobiles in your holiday accommodation – this is family time.

How Do You Prepare a Delicious Picnic Menu?

No, we haven’t forgotten the most important ingredient for a memorable family picnic in the South of France! A delicious and varied picnic menu is crucial. You’ll want to pack a selection of French cheeses, fresh baguettes, charcuterie, and pâté. Don’t forget to include some olives, tapenade, and fresh fruits like grapes and figs. You’ve got an amazing array of options, including:

  • Traditional French picnic dishes like quiche, ratatouille, or a hearty salad Niçoise. Such dishes are easy to pack and serve, as well as being incredibly delicious.
  • Child-friendly options like mini sandwiches, cheese sticks, and cut-up veggies with hummus are great choices.
  • Treats such as fun-shaped cookies or homemade granola bars also go down well.
  • Finally, don’t forget something sweet. Macarons, madeleines, or a selection of pastries from a local bakery are great staple French dessert options, while a tart or clafoutis made with seasonal fruits can add a touch of elegance to delight everyone’s sweet tooth.

Safety Tips for a Stress-Free Family Picnic

The idea of a family picnic is to have a fun time – stress free, relaxing, and enjoyable.

You should use insulated bags and ice blocks to keep perishable items fresh and cool, and keep raw and cooked fruits separated.

A good idea is to take a ‘sunbrella’ with you, to provide shade from the sun if you can’t find a shady spot. Make sure, too, that you each have a hat, and take plenty of sunscreen – refresh it every 30 minutes.

Finally, you know the kids are going to run around, wherever you go. It’s what kids do. Another thing they do is fall over. Then comes the tears, and the desperate need for a plaster to make it better! A small first aid kit with antiseptic wipes and plasters will suffice for most minor cuts and grazes – together with a ‘kiss to make it better’ from mum or dad, of course.

How Can You Make Your Family Picnic Extra Special?

A picnic in Southern France is always a special occasion, but there are few ways in which you can make it extraordinary.

For a start, visit a local market for your produce and artisanal goods. Nothing against supermarkets, but freshly-picked local produce, and baguettes and pastries from a boulangerie or patisserie will elevate your family picnic experience – and it’s how the locals do it, too.

Next, why not combine your picnic with a visit to a local attraction, historic site, festival, or other cultural immersion activity that will add an entire new level of entertainment and enjoyment to your day out?

Take the time to bond as a family. Eating and drinking is a shared experience, and one that is never rushed by the French. A family picnic is an ideal chance to have conversations and learn more about each other – an activity that builds a sense of togetherness and understanding that so many families never get the opportunity to develop in our fast-paced world.

Finally, ensure you leave your spot as beautiful as you found it. Involve the kids in the after-picnic clean-up, teaching them the value of preserving nature and the beauty of Southern France for the next visitors to enjoy their family picnic.

Relax in Southern France with a Stress-Free Family Picnic

If you don’t make time for a family picnic when holidaying in Southern France, you’ll miss what should be a most delightful, delicious, and rewarding experience. But getting it right can be challenging. There’s a lot of planning and preparation involved. Which is why we at Country Kids will do all the heavy lifting for you as part of our all-inclusive family holiday package.

From selecting the ideal picnic spot to providing delicious, fresh foods and fun activities, we ensure everything is perfectly planned and prepared. With Country Kids, you can relax and enjoy quality time with your loved ones, knowing that every aspect of your family picnic is overseen with care and expertise. Because we believe you should focus on creating unforgettable holiday memories, without the hassle of planning and preparing an authentic French family picnic.

Our attention to the smallest detail to make your holiday family one that you’ll never forget is just one reason families return year after year. Avoid disappointment – book your family holiday at Country Kids today.

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